Richard Dodd, Esquire
Richard Dodd is a strategic family law attorney with 10 years’ experience in the negotiation, litigation, mediation, and collaborative resolution of divorce, child custody and support, alimony and marital property division disputes for clients in Maryland and the District of Columbia. Mindful to minimize the cost and acrimony of conventional divorce and custody litigation, whenever possible he encourages clients’ direct negotiation of mutually beneficial settlement agreements through collaborative negotiations, rather than litigation.
Mr. Dodd brings more than 20 years’ experience litigating and trying cases in both family and business disputes in Maryland, Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. Before focusing his practice on family law in 2014 he also served for 15 years as in-house regulatory and contracting counsel to several major telecommunications corporations.
Mr. Dodd is also certified in divorce and child custody mediation and collaborative dispute resolution, processes which emphasize clients’ self-determination in negotiating settlement terms to provide for equitable parenting access plans and property settlements according to their values and objectives, rather than leaving the outcome to a judge. In collaborative cases Mr. Dodd frequently collaborates with psychologists, social workers and parenting coordinators who separately coach divorcing parents to overcome emotional resistance, enabling them to collaborate in developing creative and equitable parenting plans to promote childrens’s healthy relationships with both parents. Mr. Dodd also frequently collaborates with Certified Divorce Financial Analysts (CDFA®) to conduct comprehensive financial assessments and planning to provide for clients’ long-term financial security.
Mr. Dodd has represented numerous clients on a pro bono basis for the Montgomery County Bar Foundation and the Collaborative Project of Maryland. He has also served as a guardian ad litem advocating on behalf of minor children in custody proceedings in the District of Columbia, and is available for appointment as a child’s Best Interest Attorney in Montgomery County. Mr. Dodd is a member of the District of Columbia Bar, the Maryland State Bar Association and the Bar Association of Montgomery County. He is also a member of the Collaborative Dispute Resolution Professionals of Montgomery County, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, the International Association of Collaborative Professionals, and the District of Columbia Academy of Collaborative Professionals. He has also collaborated in drafting and testified in support of legislation to reform Maryland family law by providing for automatic interim orders regarding child custody and support, use and possession of the family home, and non-transfers of marital funds.
Mr. Dodd earned his law degree from Boston University, cum laude, and a B.A. and M.B.A. from Yale University.
Mr. Dodd is a married father of two adult sons.